Home Up Quilting Tutorial David's Galaxy Quilt Kindergarten Quilt Smiley Quillow Loopy Quilt for Lisa/Skylar Quilts for Liam and Zafina - Amy and Charles' babies Put Title Here Kaiser Quilt Show


I've gotten into quilting. If you've come this far, you might as well check some of it out

All Night Class I went to an all night quilting class - it was a blast - check it out!
Quilting Tutorial Since this was my first quilt, and I'm addicted to the camera, I made a tutorial out of my experience.
DavidsGalaxy This was my second quilt, done in a weekend on a spur of the moment decision. This has pictures of how to make the Attic Windows block as well as the whole process. There are several pics of my feline helpers here too.
Kindergarten Quilt This was my third quilt, although when I started it was the second. It was done with six 5 year olds - David's Kindergarten class. It was a LOT of fun!
Quillow This was my fourth quilt - a combination quilt/pillow which is called a Quillow. this was a birthday present for my step-daughter Carla who is VERY into smiley-face stuff. This was my first applique, and the applique piece is made of "tumbling blocks."
First 'loopy' quilt This was my first 'loopy' quilt, and my fifth quilt. I belong to an email list/loop (thus we're 'loopies') and whenever one of us has a baby, we each contribute a square to someone who can make a quilt and we make a baby quilt for the baby. This quilt was for Skylar Elizabeth, born June 17, 1999.
 Quilts for Liam and Zafina - Amy and Charles' babies I made baby quilts for my god-children, Liam and Zafina. The squares were contributed, secretly, by friends and family of their parents.
Y2K swapping Here are some samples of the swapping squares I'm got in my Y2K quilt swap - there are more than I've been able to scan - by a long shot! I got 2000 unique squares - for two quilts (one 2.5" squares, the other 3" squares.) Someday I'll put them together!
 Kaiser Quilt Show A Kaiser building near where I used to work in Oakland has a fabulous quilt display the last couple of months every year. I took these photos a few years ago there - there were some amazing quilts there!

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Copyright Kimberly Bobrow Jennery, 1997-2006

Contact Kimberly at: kimberly at bobrow dot net