Loopy Quilt for Lisa/Skylar
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Loopy Quilt for Lisa/Skylar

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My first 'loopy' quilt! With all the contributed squares submitted, I put together a quilt for loopy baby Skylar Elizabeth McClish, born June 17, 1999.

Here it is with the inner sashings on, hanging on my design wall. Now with the outer sashings, with the border material hanging next to it. With the borders.
DONE! The black binding isn't solid - it has a subtle pattern to it. I have a hard time getting floor quilt-pics without feline assistance. See what I mean? This is an actual pic of Skye on the quilt - with a closer view of the fabrics.
One family already like nursing here... Yay for the auto-timer on the camera - here I am with the quilt. Just the quilt - no bobbing head on top ;> Nice kitty-butt in the pic, huh?
A little closer up. The backing - it's flannel. You can kinda see the quilting on the back in the close up of the backing here.
Front with some of the back. Same thing... The whole backing, with feline help to point out the quilting.
The front - with kitties... Front and a bit of backing. A close up of the fabrics - you can see the detail on the binding fabric in the closeup.
Close up of the sashing fabric. A closer look at the backing flannel, and the quilting.


Copyright Kimberly Bobrow Jennery, 1997-2006

Contact Kimberly at: kimberly at bobrow dot net