Here it is with the inner sashings on, hanging on my design wall.
| Now with the outer sashings, with the border material hanging next to it.
| With the borders.
DONE! The black binding isn't solid - it has a subtle pattern to it. I have a hard time getting floor quilt-pics without feline assistance.
| See what I mean?
| This is an actual pic of Skye on the quilt - with a closer view of the fabrics.
One family already like nursing here...
| Yay for the auto-timer on the camera - here I am with the quilt.
| Just the quilt - no bobbing head on top ;> Nice kitty-butt in the pic, huh?
A little closer up.
| The backing - it's flannel.
| You can kinda see the quilting on the back in the close up of the backing here.
Front with some of the back.
| Same thing...
| The whole backing, with feline help to point out the quilting.
The front - with kitties...
| Front and a bit of backing.
| A close up of the fabrics - you can see the detail on the binding fabric in the closeup.
Close up of the sashing fabric.
| A closer look at the backing flannel, and the quilting.