Smiley Quillow
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Smiley Quillow

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Carla's Smiley Quillow

This is a quilow (a quilt that folds magically into a pillow) made for my step-daughter Carla's birthday. She is into ALL things Smiley. The tumbling blocks are made of various smiley fabrics, although that's hard to see in these pics. I wouldn't do tumbling blocks with this kind of fabric again, you don't get quite the 3D effect, I don't think. It still came out pretty neat, and she loved it!

These are the individual tumbling blocks, just placed against a hand-dying experiment on my quilt wall. They haven't been pieced together yet. Still not pieced, but now they're placed against the actual fabric they're intended for. It was a lovely lavender, but doesn't show up so well in this picture, I don't think. Now it's been appliqued - I really fell down on the job here - I didn't get any pics of my applique experience. It was done all by machine. (BTW, you can see my next quilt, Skylar's dream, in its earliest stages on the design wall here to the left.)
Borders are on, and making the sandwich quilt. With helpers, of course. They really do think they're helping! You can see the vertical quilting lines in the close up here.
Here too. This is the quilted quillow pocket. It has smileys on one side ... And the same lavender fabric on the other side. You can see the quilting here. It's just a simple sandwich, quilted as shown.
Another pic - without a kitty head in it. Just a view with both sides in it. The finished quilt, bound with the same lavender fabric.
David REALLY wanted to be in that last pic, so now he's in this one. Here it is all folded into a pillow. I promise when I made David his promised quillow I'll make good instructions on making one. The other side - this is the backing of the quilt - it's flannel and REALLY soft!
David models what it would be like to fall asleep on the quillow, with his feet in the pillow-pocket (which has the smiley flannel on the inside here. The smiley fabric ends up on the outside when you fold the pillow in.) ...and here he is with his feet in the pocket, all bundled up :)

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Copyright Kimberly Bobrow Jennery, 1997-2006

Contact Kimberly at: kimberly at bobrow dot net