All Night Class
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All night class for kaleidescopic pinwheel quilts

Start of class I took an all night quilting class in Feb 1999. If you want to see the all night class, start here. This page has the starting instructions for creating the kaleidescopic effect.
Class, continued This page has many examples of blocks from other students.
Class, continued Here is more detail of the cutting, I'm finally whacking here! Also, a couple more examples from other students.
Class, concluded Several more examples of blocks, as well as my finished first block - ever!
Quilt tutorial The start of a tutorial on completing my first quilt. This section has more detailed instructions and pictures for piecing the blocks. General yardage requirements, and cutting instructions can be found here. Further sections have machine quilting and binding.
Order Magic Stack-N-Whack™ Quilts by Bethany Reynolds. Specific trademarked yardage requirements, and cutting instructions can be found here, as well as additional kaleidescopic layouts.



Copyright Kimberly Bobrow Jennery, 1997-2006

Contact Kimberly at: kimberly at bobrow dot net