Materials needed | Here is a complete list of the materials needed. (under construction) |
Basic block piecing layouts. | The basic piecing instructions are illustrated, not photographed here. You can also find the layouts for Queen, Throw (which is what is portrayed in all the photographs), and Wall. |
Start of class | I took a quilting class in Feb 1999 which was somewhat based on the Stack and Whack™ method. If you want to see the all night class, start here. This page has the pattern matching (stacking) instructions. |
Class, continued | This page has many examples of blocks from other students. |
Class, continued | Here is more detail of the cutting, I'm finally cutting my fabric here! Also, a couple more examples from other students. |
Class, concluded | Several more examples of blocks, as well as my finished first block - ever! |
Quilt tutorial 1 | The start of a tutorial on completing my first quilt. This section has more detailed instructions and pictures for piecing the blocks. |
Quilt tutorial 2 | The rest of the block piecing instructions and pictures. |
Quilt tutorial 3 | All the blocks are pieced, this section shows piecing them together to make the top. |
Quilt tutorial 4 | A continuation of piecing the quilt top, including the borders. |
Quilt tutorial 5 | The quilting process is detailed here, from creating the quilt 'sandwich' to the machine quilting. |
Quilt tutorial 6 | The binding process and finished quilt! |
Stack-n-Whack™ is a trademark of Bethany S. Reynolds, Ellsworth, ME.
Copyright Kimberly Bobrow Jennery, 1997-2006 Contact Kimberly at: kimberly at bobrow dot net |